
Friday, April 29, 2016

Flutterby Wishes

Some art journalling, this was a very quick page, I think the gesso took the most time lol .

This is my small Dylussions journal and I really love the paper, the only downside is that because of the binding the paint and ink leak through to other pages, and if you get the paper soaked in paints or mists the pages will tear a bit in the ends of the binding in the  middle of the page. I guess putting masking take over the middle of the page will solve these problems. Anyway, here is how I made this page.

I think the media misters work better on paper if you use gesso first, that way it won;t soak into the paper immediately and you can spary some water to get some dripping and to make the colours a bit lighter.

So first gesso the pages and let dry, next play with the media  misters and watermister and sequin waste, let dry and stamp the butterflies.

I painted the inside of the butteflies with gesso the get a white background, let dry and stamp the butterlfies again on the gesso, let the ink dry and use Derwent inktense pencils and waterbrush to colour the butterflies.

Next I took some background stamps and stamped around the butterflies, that's it really, so because I used a thick layer of gesso that was the part that took the most time because it needed to dry first :-)

Making background with the misters is so easy and fun to do, I guess I am addicted lol

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