
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Creepmas day 8

Hi all, welcome to day 8 of the Rick St. Dennis MFA, 13 days of Creepmas blog hop, I guess you know the drill by now, but to be sure, blog roll of all Creepmas hops in  side bar and the all info about the prizes on Airless chambers,  Rick's other blog.

I got a bit distracted because we had snow yesterday and I just had to do this:

sorry i pod pics so not that good, but you will get the idea...........

yes it's good old Sad Frosty  LOL,  the axe is from Bionicle lego, my son collects those and I borrowed it for a while,  and my neighbours are used to strange things appearing in our garden,  we've had tombstones and  skeletons  for Halloween , which is not a normal thing here cause halloween is not very popular in Holland.  Had thought of adding red paint as blood but thought that would be to much to ask from the neighbours to look at.

my real project for day 8 is another tag:

just one today, sorry guys. The image is Creepmas toy soldier,  the back ground is stamped,distess inked and glimmer misted.
 see you again tomorrow.
Thanks for all your nice comments, and tomorrow Smeared Ink will be joining us again


  1. cool snow man and great tag.EE

  2. Haha too funny with the snowman and great tag x

  3. fabulous tag again, awesome and your real sad frosty is FANTABULOUS

    nou ja nu doe ik het weer, ik laat het nu gewoon staan...HAHAHA, je kan het toch wel lezen

  4. Wow, love that tag! Your toy soldier looks as if he might just climb right out of that window and do bad things!!

  5. Can't stop giggling about that fab snowman. Bet you don't get any Carolers, this year. Gorgeous tag. One of my fave images. xxD

  6. Oh Boy!! I just love your Frosty. He is a show stopper
    Hugs Nat

  7. Fabulous post-love it all and the toy soldier look WONDERFUL-great job!

  8. What a brilliant snowman, hes fantastic. Love your Soldier tag as well the colours are super, Love Hazelxo

  9. Hoi Monique,
    Hahaha .... helemaal geweldig die sneeuwpop! Echt super. Kan me voorstellen dat je buren zo af en toe hun hoofd maar eens schudden. Ik zou het zeker wel kunnen waarderen.
    Je tag voor vandaag is prachtig! Super mooi gekleurd en een mooie achtergrond! Groetjes, Caroline

  10. Poor little snowman ;). Your tag looks great, a fabulous image.

  11. Wonderful snowman, you even got the axe right! =) Great tag too! =)
    Hugs, Elenor
