
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Freebies and Rollout at Rick S. Dennis MFA blog

Another freebie weekend at Rick St. Dennis MFA Blog, images will be  available Nov 3 and 4!!

The free images for those dates will again be exclusive limited run images only available on Ricks  BLOG and only on those days (posting about midnight on the 3rd PDT and ending about 9pm Sunday the 4th.

The theme for these image will be remembering and will feature one image from Rick St Dennis and one from Randi Dandi based on remembrance ribbons (pink, red, yellow etc).

Be sure to stop by here on the third or forth and grab your freebie.
the rollout will be on Rick's Facebook Fan Group:

check out all the info at Rick St. Dennis MFA Blog

There are also new images in Rick's etsy
here are a few


Don't forget to enter the following challenges:

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